(Bloomberg) John Kerry Tells Senators That the Administreation's Syria Policy Is Collapsing

According to [Lindsey ] Graham, Kerry gave the clear impression that Syria is slipping out of control. He said Kerry told the delegation that, “the al-Qaeda threat is real, it is getting out of hand.” The secretary, he said, raised the threat of al-Qaeda unprompted. “He acknowledged that the chemical weapons [delivery] is being slow-rolled; the Russians continue to supply arms [and that] we are at a point now where we are going to have to change our strategy. He openly talked about supporting arming the rebels. He openly talked about forming a coalition against al-Qaeda because it’s a direct threat.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, Defense, National Security, Military, Foreign Relations, Middle East, Politics in General, Syria, Terrorism, Violence

2 comments on “(Bloomberg) John Kerry Tells Senators That the Administreation's Syria Policy Is Collapsing

  1. Capt. Father Warren says:

    “Kerry told the delegation that, “the al-Qaeda threat is real, it is getting out of hand.”

    But Kerry’s boss told us that Al-Qaeda was “on the run” because “I killed Bin Laden”………..

    Is Kerry saying that his boss lied?

    Where else have I heard that?

  2. carl+ says:

    The incompetence of this administration is matched only by its incomprehension of the complexity of the Syrian situation. I have become my father who always said that the US State Department is no friend of the United States! God save the people of Syria from themselves, but especially the Christians.